Training aproach

Training Methodology

Our preference is to conduct training on-site. Training materials cater for literate and illiterate people and are revised and improved on a regular basis to ensure that our clients remain at the vanguard of training technology.

Quality Assurance

Amongst others, MHS ensures that training interventions guarantee productivity and quality improvements. This is done by evaluation and assessment of learners as prescribed by the National Skills Development Act. Trainees are always tested for competency in the subjects trained.

Outcomes based training

MHS specialize in the delivery of short courses and skills programmes. Each course and programme has definite outcomes to ensure competency of learners.
The following objectives are followed: Mahayi HRD Services • To equip learners with market directed work skills through which their entrance to the Labour market (formal and informal) may be facilitated. • To equip them with skills that will enable them to enter the informal sector in order to identify and utilize income-generating opportunities and to function as individual entrepreneurs to enter community driven projects •Training is offered primarily to accomplish placement of trained persons in the Labour market. Skills taught are market directed work skills that will constitute credits towards a qualification registered in terms of the NQF •Designated groups (women, youth and disabled persons) are also targeted to give them an opportunity to contribute towards the country’s economy and to earn a livelihood. • Emphasis is also put on the training of small- and micro enterprises focused on Small Contractors, to enable them to develop their business skills and capacity in general to run a small/micro business successfully.

Alignment with the Department of Labour

• MHS’s training programmes are in line with the requirements of the Department of Labour in terms of modular and outcome based training. It also is in the line with the requirements of transferable and portable skills that have common standards that is aimed towards the NQF accreditation system • MHS apply the strategy of providing a total solution approach to training interventions. This is important in ensuring skills transfer and practical application. Training is conducted according to outcomes prescribed by Department of Labour, thus setting required standards that have to be reached. • In order to promote systematic training to ensure NQF based standards and demand led training, and to improve quality of the outcomes of training, MHS endorses the following specifications which form the basic minimum requirements against which training is delivered:
Training specifications that takes into account:
Training aim of courses/skills programmes
Training objectives of courses/skills programmes Outline of a training plan Training duration Training approach Target training profile Instructor profile Training facilities Assessment and certification system Record keeping system